

My mom and I have been using Chelsea’s herb testing for about 3 years now. My mom’s Arab gelding was prone to colic and had ulcers. We were going thru a 25lb bucket of Neighlox every 6 months. Out of curiosity we decided to try her recommendations in Sis’s story. We tested all of our horses, got the blends she recommended, did all the steps she told us to; to our surprise it worked on all 3!! Mom’s 30 year gelding had the hardest time and we had to tweak his feed regimen a little but he’s sleek, shiny, and looks so amazing now. Mom’s Arab has not had colic since nor has he had anymore Neighlox. My buckskin gelding has shed out every year with new brighter markings, this year he has dun markings and colorings I find fascinating! We’ve been using Chelsea’s new line for a couple of months now and love the simplicity of it!! Everyone gets the same, everyone LOVES it, and we don’t have to make up individual containers anymore. I have purchased a new mare that I plan on putting on it to help her settle in. – Sherri (Texas)

“We started my senior gelding on Sis’s Gut Support Herb Mix. My boy use to get rode multiple times a week on trails and also did barrels. Now in is old age he struggles with arthritis. Since starting sis’s mixture he acts like a two year old! He shows no favoring in his joints and always has his head high and ears forward when being rode! Highly recommend Sis’s gut health!” – Ashton (Tennessee)

“I feel like I have noticed a difference in your tummy blend compared to the other company, just FYI. It seemed like it took the horses quite a while for their stomachs to calm down on the other blend. Even though I’ve been doing herbs I still feel like I’ve seen an even bigger difference once I started them on your Sis’s Gut Support. I just wanted to tell you that because I’m really happy with it.”

“Kitty licks her bowl clean which is a first for her!! The other stuff she would leave some behind. They both seem to be doing very well on it. Very calm. I’m very pleased! And so much easier then buying the chia seeds and aloe separate!” – Megan (Ohio)

Rider: “I’d say Bugs is picky and even he’ll eat it. He seemed to have fewer ticks than the other horses and his coat looks great, especially for his age. We started ground work with him the same week as the herbs but between both of those, he’s been much calmer to work with in my opinion. – Kara (Tennessee)

”Owner: “I have noticed he is for the first time growing a healthier mane and his summer itch on his tail is significantly better than usual. I also have not found as many ticks on him. I have all my horses on it now and hoping it will help my mare and her stomach issues.” – Vickie (Tennessee)

“I was looking at old videos of Sierra. I cannot get over how much she has changed since being on this new diet.I forgot how awful it was to try and catch Sierra in the pasture. I have videos of her trying to kick me, run away, and charge at me. Even on the cross ties she would try to bite me, kick me, dancing all over, and fling her head. Even old riding videos, as you know, she would buck and rear.Lunging was a nightmare because she would rip away from me and sometimes my fingers would break. I ALWAYS had to have a chain over her nose. Trying to get on the trailer would take 2-3 hours unless gates were used to force her on. Every show she would manage to run away and go crazy.3 years on this diet and she is 100% different. It is so crazy! I can catch her easily in the pasture, she is a sweeter horse, enjoyable to ride and compete on, she is the first one on the trailer, she will walk right on with NO hesitations, and she is not trying to break away at any shows. She actually doesn’t care too much when her friend leaves her side.I still cannot thank you enough! If we never met you and stuck to this diet, I do not know what would’ve happened. You are a lifesaver ❤️ I am sure people get sick of me talking about you and your diet, but I cannot help it haha! I want everyone to know and do it.” – Ellie (New York)

So we’ve been doing the supplement since thursday AM and Jay has totally stopped stomping/pawing/kicking when he’s eating. I always thought it was just how he ate because that’s what his previous owner told me, but I think his belly was hurting! Just wanted to let you know. Thank you for letting us try this!! ❤️ – Caitlin (Tennessee)

Important update about SisUgut. Read before ordering!

Some herbs are still out of stock and hard to get. Because of this, companies can raise their prices due to high demand and low stock. 

In order to keep my price per pound affordable for you as the customer, I have made a change to the SisUGut blend in that I have swapped out the unavailable Calendula Powder for Raspberry Leaf Powder. The change will be noted on your individual bag sticker as well as here on the website. I have a few more pounds left of the original blend with the Calendula.

As you will see, the benefits of Raspberry Leaf are numerous as well. I have no hesitation about making this change. When Calendula comes back in stock, I will swap back to the original formula I came up with. 

Herb variation in general is a good thing for our horses. In the long run I plan to have at least three different gut blends for you to rotate. Thank you for being on this journey with me! ~Chelsea

Lasts the average 1,000lb horse approximately 30 days

To read about how I got started making this blend and the herbs I chose behind it, CLICK HERE


Can owners take this too? YES!

I’ve listed some of the most common uses for each ingredient found. However, I highly recommend a personal search of each herb for yourself so you can learn how amazing these plants are!

Aloe: (Aloe Vera, Aloe Barbandensis) The Aloe Vera plant has long green leaves that have little spikes on the edges. They are fleshy in feeling and the inside of this leaf is gel like in consistency. Originally, this plant came from Africa. Used for many purposes, the aloe vera leaves are commonly used for support for Constipation, Diabetes, Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Pancreas, Colic, Intestinal infections, Ulcers, Inflammation, Allergic Reactions and more. Creates a soothing effect on inflamed tissues or digestive tract.

Chia Seeds: Low in NSC – these little seeds are a great add to a diet for any horse, but also safe for those that have been diagnosed with Cushings, PSSM or other insulin resistant issues. They can be fed whole or ground, but in the case of this mix have been ground to blend properly with the rest of the powdered herbs. They create a gel like coating when wet, therefore coating the digestive tract and soothing inflamed tissues all while improving digestive health. Loaded with nutrients, antioxidants, fiber, protein, and Omega 3’s it’s no wonder we see these little seeds in every “healthy drink” of the organic section of the store! Chia seeds can be fed whole in addition to this mix if desired. While grinding them exposes the fatty acids to oxygen – I do grind them fresh to shipping out so that the seeds in whole form do not “sink” to the bottom of the bag. I also ground them in the case of my Ulcer Mare (whom this mix is named after) and stored them in the fridge with proven results! Chia seeds have been shown to reduce pain, protect ligaments and joints, support gastrointestinal function, reduce pain, balance immune function and more!

Marshmallow Root: (Althea officinalis) This plant grows in marshes and is a water lover. The root and leaves of this plant have a high mucilage content so to inflamed tissues it is both soothing and healing. Used for respiratory disturbances such as asthma, sore throats, colds, diarrhea, ulcers, skin irritations, pain relief, diuretic and digestion.

Chamomile Flowers: (Matricaria recutita) At one time or another we have all probably been told by Grandma to drink some Chamomile tea! Why? Because it has so many amazing benefits. This flower is part of the daisy family and the flowers have long been dried and used medicinally. Its therapeutic actions include anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, antispasmodic, anti-ulcer, bitter, carminative, digestive, anxiolytic, nervine, sedative, vulnerary, diaphoretic, anti-microbial. It’s main use has been for the digestive system especially when worsened or triggered by stress. Also used for canker sores, colic, diarrhea, ulcers, skin conditions such as eczema, gingivitis, indigestion, heartburn, IBS, pain reduction, reducing inflammation, cold symptoms, lowering blood sugar, diabetes, sleep, relaxation and anxiety relief & easing PMS symptoms. Avoid this herb if there is an allergy to the Asteraceae plant family.

Licorice Root: (Glycyrrhiza glabra, Glycyrrhiza uralensis) This herb is highly regarded in the use of Chinese medicine. It acts as a soothing and coating agent not only in the digestive tract, but also the urinary tract. Because of its antiviral properties and antioxidants, it has been used medicinally for asthma, bronchitis, mouth ulcers, chronic fatigue, eczema, fibromyalgia, indigestion, heart burn, stomach ulcers, diabetes, tuberculosis & inflammation.

******When Licorice Root is out of stock, this will be swapped for Dandelion Leaf.*****

Dandelion Leaf: The dandelion flower has long been used to stimulate the appetite and help digestion. This flower has antioxidant properties therefore supporting the immune system and may aid in detoxing. Herbalists gravitate towards this herb for the use of detoxifying the liver, gallbladder and encouraging healthy kidney function. Contains vitamins A, C, D, and B complex as well as iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, manganese, copper, choline, calcium, boron, and silicon. Research additional benefits, there are many!


Calendula Flowers: (Calendula officinalis) For those in other countries, this is a common garden plant and has been used for its medicinal properties for centuries. Supportive for eczema, gastritis, burns, stomach ulcers, skin diseases, skin ulcerations. Aiding in the reduction of inflammation and used as an antiseptic, this is a very healing herb.


Raspberry Leaf: Rich in vitamins and minerals. (B, C, Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc, Phosphorus, Iron) Anti-oxidant high. Used traditionally for women to tone muscles before childbearing, to ease labor and delivery. Digestive support and GI disorders such as diarrhea. Supports heart and lungs. May reduce anxiety.

Cat’s Claw: (Uncario tomentosa) The root bark is used as medicine for supporting immune function, reducing inflammation, gastric ulcers, tumors, arthritis, wound healing, pain reduction, blood purifying and aiding in parasite removal

Diatomaceous Earth with Calcium Bentonite Clay: You have probably eaten DE in your flours or wheat and just didn’t know it. Some sources call this the “miracle mineral”. Silica in diet’s today has been significantly reduced by fertilizers, pesticides and hybrid foods. DE is high in silica and therefore can improve the health of skin, hair, nails, joints, immune system. Aids in treating constipation & parasite removal as bugs cannot build an immunity to it. Adds to the shelf life of this mix as well.

Calcium Bentonite Clay: Immune boosting by pulling heavy metals out of the body aiding in the detox process. May help gut absorb more nutrients by increasing intestine flora. May help relive digestive problems such as constipation, IBS and nausea. Aiding the liver “Produced in certain molds, we are all susceptible to ingesting aflatoxins in processed foods. Due to the use of ingredients where the aflatoxins grow. In high enough quantities, aflatoxins can damage your liver. Fortunately, bentonite clay actually binds to aflatoxins and expels them from your liver and body.”


A proprietary blend of herbs formulated to facilitate proper digestion, reduction of inflammation & promote healing

A one pound bag (16oz) will last the average 1,000lb horse a total of 30 days.

 Powdered Ingredients: Aloe Vera, Chia Seeds, Marshmallow Root, Chamomile, Licorice Root, Calendula Flowers, Cat’s Claw, Diatomaceous Earth with Calcium Bentonite

Directions for use: Pre – soak pellets or feed in water. Add mix. Add additional water as needed.

Dose per feeding: Recommended twice per day.

Adult Horse 1000lb & over, 1-2 Tablespoons

Adult Horse 500-1,000lb, ½ – 1 Tablespoon

Adult Horse 400lb & under, 1-2 Teaspoons

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